Saturday, June 1, 2013

Homemade Flubber

I found an excellent, inexpensive and easy way to make that terrible slime/goop/goo substance that is sold at most toy shops and big box stores.  My son got it one time and put it all over our couch and I vowed to NEVER get him any again.  Now, 5 years later, while looking for something new and exciting for my big kids to do, I came across this recipe and decided to give it a try.  I am lucky now that he knows not to spread it on the furniture.  Plus, this one is much cheaper, makes a big batch, and the consistency is SO MUCH EASIER TO CLEAN UP!!!!  You will never want to buy that silly slime stuff at a store again. 


1 cup of Elmer's glue
3/4 cup of cold water
liquid food coloring (any color will work)
1/2 cup of hot water
1 tsp Borax laundry additive

In bowl 1, mix the cold water, the glue and the food coloring.  Mix well, I used a metal spoon.  Set aside. 

In bowl 2 mix the hot water and the borax until the borax is completely dissolved.  I ended up putting on a rubber glove and crumbling the little chunks of Borax that wouldnt dissolve, and then mixing them in.  It only took a minute or two for it all to dissolve. 

Slowly add the glue mixture to the Borax mixture and stir constantly.  When everything is completely mixed, there may be some extra liquid.  You can pour this out.  It is not needed. 

This is what it looks like completely mixed.  It is soft and pliable and gooey. 
My kids are still playing with it today, and we made it almost a week ago. We keep ours in a tupperware container with a cover and it has stayed fresh and the same consistency as when it was made. I will say that the darker the color, the more color that ends up on the kids hands.  It is easy to wash off, I just wanted to let my readers know. 

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