Wednesday, May 15, 2013

100 by Summer

Have any of you heard of this?  100 by summer.  You run/walk/move your butt 100 miles by the beginning of summer.  It's a good goal to have and I think it should be pretty easy to do.  Last week I started Couch to 5K.  The first couple of days I struggled.  And I cheated.  I jogged about 10 feet.  Honestly.  It got a little easier and now I can do the whole 60 seconds of jogging.  (I ended up staying on week 1 for week two.  Im just not ready to move on, and that's okay.  I'll never be a marathon runner!) This morning, while on Instagram, I saw 100 by Summer and decided to combine both workouts.  So I put my baby down for a nap, grabbed the monitor and my pedometer, and got out my older daughters bike out.  We went out to the cul-de-sac and did my couch to 5K while she rode circles around me.  I ended up with 1.58 miles under my belt.  Only 98.42 to go! (yikes!!) Its the first day of doing Couch to 5K where Im not a complete sweaty mess and my legs don't feel like jello.  That's a good thing!! 

5 years ago I found myself at my heaviest and decided to do something about it.  These past 5 years have been a struggle, to say the least, but I am much healthier today.  Now I am over 100 lbs lighter than my heaviest, about 30 lbs from my lightest weight, and about 40 lbs from my goal.  I will never be tiny, I will never be what most people call "thin" but my goal is health, not a bikini body. 

I'm curious what YOUR favorite workouts are.  I'm thinking about spinning and Zumba.  Anyone try them?  I think walking and jogging will be my main workout, since its easy to do with my kids, but I would like to give other workouts a chance when Hubby is home with the kids. 

Who wants to do 100 by Summer with me??  Let's do it! I'm going to post my totals each day here.

5/15 1.58
5/17 1.70
5/19 2.52
____________7.96 miles
5/21 2.16
5/23 1.76
5/24 1.52
5/25 2.30
____________ 7.74 miles
5/27 3.07
5/29 1.91
5/30 2.29
5/31 3.02
____________ 10.29 miles (25.99 miles so far, I better HUSTLE these next few weeks!)
6/01 4.40
6/02 2.20
6/03 2.83
6/04 2.22
6/05 4.18
6/06 2.69
____________ 18.52 miles (44.51 miles so far.  A little bit better this week, but I have to do more!)
6/08 4.01
6/09 2.10
6/10 2.02
6/11 2.98
6/12 2.34
6/13 3.11
6/14 2.43
____________ 18.99 miles
6/15 3.53
6/16 2.81
6/17 3.65
6/18 2.44
6/19 3.19
6/20 2.84
6/21 8.29
____________ 26.75 miles (80.25 miles)
6/22 8.56  (I'm counting this only because this was the American Cancer Society's relay weekend, and I did these miles over 20 hours from Friday into Saturday.)

So 88.81 miles in one month, one week.  Not bad!  I didn't hit my goal of 100 miles, but now I know I can do it if I try a bit harder.  I am NOT an athlete, I am NOT a power walker, I am NOT a runner.  I am just a regular girl who is trying to become more active.  I know I could do it if I had a bit more time.  And next time I do this, I KNOW I will hit that goal!!! 

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