Friday, September 13, 2013

Blogger Idol 2013

I am so new to this whole blogger thing.  4 months ago today I decided to start sharing my little tips, recipes, ideas.  And surprisingly, I've gotten a little following!  Im getting emails and comments about me inspiring people to start taking charge of their lives, their wallets, their weight, their sedentary lifestyle.  WOW is all I can say.  I never imagined I'd be an inspiration but I am so honored!!! 

A friend recently tagged me in a facebook post about Blogger Idol.  It is a competition for bloggers to get their voices heard.  Any blogger, new or seasoned, can audition.  The top 12 are picked right off the bat and they compete each week.  This will be interesting because 1.  Im a brand new blogger, 2. I sometimes don't have much to say, and when I do, do people really find me interesting enough to read me time and time again?  and 3. Im sure I'll be competing against some pretty amazing bloggers that I look up to!  But here it goes..... I have auditioned.  And I need YOUR help! 

 Please go like the Official Blogger Idol page and let them know you want ME to make it to the top 12!!  I would LOVE the chance to get my little voice heard and to show you all (and myself) that I can do it!!  Im always the positive voice telling YOU all that YOU can do it over on the Monkeys and Moustaches facebook page (!/MonkeysAndMoustaches ) But now is my chance to start chanting "I CAN DO IT!!!"   Do you think I can do it?  Go tell the awesome folks over at Blogger Idol that you think I can do it, too!  Please follow me on this new journey and as always THANK YOU for your support!!! 

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