Monday, July 14, 2014

Relay for Life recap

June 20 and 21st was my biggest weekend of the year.  I was part of the Upper Cape Relay for Life, which is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.  All year long I prepare for Relay weekend. I am a captain of the team "Nana's Angels".  We raise money for many loved ones, including in memory of Jackie Crockett, who was the Mom of a lifelong friend of mine, and in support of my Dad, who is an 11 year survivor.

As a whole, the Upper Cape Relay for Life raised $71,208.24 this year.  That is a pretty mind blowing number.  The money raised goes to help people who cannot afford early testing or treatment, get the help that they need.  The Relay For Life helps more people fight cancer and live longer lives.  Celebrating more birthdays is what we, as fundraisers, aim to do.

The Police Officers standing guard during the National Anthem

Kennedy singing the National Anthem

A cancer survivor speaking to the crowd

Luminaria bags line the track

Camp Nana's Angels

The survivor lap

That's my Dad.  He is hope. 

At night, the candles inside the luminaria bags are lit

They stay lit throughout the night, 

lining the track for all of the walkers, walking in support. 

And each year the word "HOPE" is lit up by luminarias on the bleachers. 

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