Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New opportunities

As you may or may not know, I am a huge fan of Click brand protein.  It is a coffee based protein that I use every morning to make my morning protein shake.  A little bit of coffee, two scoops of Click protein, in Mocha, Vanilla Latte or their new Caramel flavor, a greek yogurt, 8 oz of water, and a dash of flavored creamer.  Add ice, blend, and my morning is complete.  I have started each morning for about 4 years this way.  And I don't ever trade my Click for any other brand of protein.  It tastes good, makes me feel full but doesn't make me sick like some other proteins do. It also doesn't have a chemical aftertaste like some proteins.  For me, its the only protein I'll get. 

I use it for baking (mocha pancakes, protein cookies, and protein balls/nuggets) and I also use it to make protein ice cream.  I really do love my Click. 

Now I am lucky enough to be part of the Click team.  See those banners at the top of my blog and to the side of this post?  If you click on those, they will bring you directly to the Click website where you can order Click.  Or, click on my link here and it will take you there.  That is my personal Click link and Click will give me credit for each person who orders through me.  I am so excited to be able to have this opportunity from a company that I trust and believe in!!!  Did you want an opportunity to sample Click?  Please visit my Facebook page by clicking HERE and comment over there on the Click post letting me know what recipe you'd like to make with your Click.  I'll send a sample packet out to two lucky people! 

1 comment:

TastyBling said...

Very exciting! Can't wait to shop through you! Congrats!