Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Dough, snow day fun!

This week is school vacation week here.   Luckily, I work from home, so I have lots of free time with my kiddos.  However, tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me, so in preparation, I got to crafting.  I scoured Pinterest for some easy, fun projects for my kiddos.  They love crafts, they love art, they love imaginary play.  The projects I planned for them are simple but fun, they can do it by themselves while I'm tied up with work.  I can assist them if needed, but for the most part, I can plop the project in front of them and they can go to it theirselves.  So my first project I planned is SNOW DOUGH!  It is perfect for a cold, snowy/rainy indoor day. 


1 part hair conditioner
2 parts corn starch

a few drops of food coloring (not necessary) I didn't use any, my dough was true snow dough.... white!

I ended up using a large measuring cup while adding my ingredients.  I was warned that some conditioners are thinner than others, so I added about a cup of corn starch to my cup first, and then added the conditioner slowly, while mixing.  When the dough is perfect, it will still be powdery but when squished together, it will mold into shapes in your hands and stay formed.  If it is too sticky, add more cornstarch.  If it is too powdery and crumbles when you try to form a ball, add a little more conditioner.

 It will form and stay formed when it is the perfect consistency.  My quick sculpting skills helped me make a heart and a snow dough man! My hands were so soft and smelled so nice afterwards.  The dough will make my children very happy tomorrow.  They can mold and build all morning! 

1 comment:

stevencooks said...

Very cute! I remember when I was a kid, we made all sorts of concoctions like this. I wish I could remember how we made a 3D model of Florida. Missing your posts!!!